Syntax Academy Courses

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Success Stories

The bootcamps are constantly updated to fit the industry tools and needs, the teachers have real-life expert experience from the design field, and the pricing makes learning UX/UI accessible for everyone who wants to spark their digital design career.

Jeremy Zucker

Full-stack Dev at Apple
You simply can't beat the value for the price. The staff are nothing short of phenomenal and just want to see you succeed.

Jeremy Zucker

Full-stack Dev at Apple
I enjoyed the jam-packed curriculum and the guidance and community factor. I have gotten to connect with so many like-minded individuals.

Jeremy Zucker

Full-stack Dev at Apple
The UX/UI bootcamp was simply amazing!! I actually switched from a different bootcamp to Memorisely and I am so happy that I did. Zander is an amazing teacher and you really learn hands-on the best UX/UI skills. I was able to implement everything immediately into my (new) job as a product designer. The bootcamp is so much more than just UX/UI theory, you really become part of a community! I can only highly recommend this course and I am very happy to now have joined the Design System bootcamp as well.

Jeremy Zucker

Full-stack Dev at Apple
Even if you have some experience, it is nice to learn about the UX research fundamentals and other ways of approaching research.

Jeremy Zucker

Full-stack Dev at Apple
This was one of the most positive online learning experiences I have ever had! I so appreciated the real world application that seemed to be woven into everything I learned. Classes and projects were engaging, fun, and suitable for any schedule. I would say the experience is so worth it no matter what stage of your career you are at!

Jeremy Zucker

Full-stack Dev at Apple